Created in God’s Image

Goal: We were created by God in His image to be His children and to have a loving relationship with Him. But sin created a wall between God and us, so that relationship was broken. But God still loves us and wants us to be His children.

The understanding of human beings as: imago Dei – made in the image of God- is important! John Macarthur points out that God’s image in every person is the moral and ethical foundation for every commandment that governs how we ought to (behave and) treat our fellow humans. Scripture repeatedly makes this clear. The principle is an effective argument against every kind of disrespect or unkindness one person might show to another. Matthew 25:44-45: “Inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.” And how God sees us!! Genesis 1:26 tells us that when God first created humans, He made them in His “image” and after His “likeness”.

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God’s Omniscience