7 Keys to Fun Family Nights

Learn from those who have gone before you!

Learn from those who have gone before you!


There are several keys which help make family nights impactful and memorable.

1- Make it fun ! Enjoy yourself, and let the kids have a ball. They may not remember everything you say, but they will always cherish the times of laughter and so will you.

2- Keep it simple! The minute you become sophisticated or complicated, you've missed the whole point. Don't try to create deeply profound lessons. Just try to reinforce your values and beliefs in a simple, easy to understand manner. Read short passages, not long, drawn out such as the scripture. Remember, the goal is to keep it simple. You can even use a Rhyme Bible to use as a memorable “Jingle.”

3- Don't dominate! You want to pull them into the discovery process as much as possible. If you do all the talking, you've missed the mark. Ask questions, give assignments, make up scenarios where they have to choose, invite participation every possible way. They will learn more when you involve all of their senses and emotions.

4- Go with the flow! It's fine to start with a well-defined outline, but don't kill spontaneity by becoming overly structured. If an incident or question leads you in a different direction, great! Some of the best impression opportunities are completely unplanned and unexpected.

5- Mix it up! Don't allow yourself to get into a rut or routine. Keep the sense of excitement anticipation through variety. Experiment to discover what works best for your family. Use books, games, videos, props, make up stories, songs, music or music videos, or even go on a family outing.

6- Do it often! We tend to find time for the things that are really important period it is best to set aside one evening per week, the same evening if possible. Remember, repetition is the best teacher. The more impressions you could create, the more of an impact you will have.

7- Make a memory! Find ways to make the lesson stick. For example, just as advertising creates jingles to help us remember their products, it is helpful to create family night jingles to remember the main theme, such as to remember God’s presence is with us always “Just like air, God is there!” These ideas and activities have been tried and tested by families like yours. They are designed to make lasting impressions on children of all ages.

May God bless you in your efforts!


Leading Your Child to Christ