An Impromptu Family Night with the Grandkids

One of the blessings of being a grandparent is that we get to spend time with the Grandkids!  So on a recent Friday night, when we were spending time playing with them and their parents were out for the night, we seized the opportunity to do a Family Night.  I wanted to do a quick lesson on teaching our grandkids the critical character qualities of God that He is: All knowing, All Powerful and Always present. 

So, to help them understand what it means to have God Always present when you can’t hear Him.  I told the kids I would go into the basement, which was pitch black, as it was at night.  It was so black, I had to have a light to see where I would stand, before we turned the lights off.  I explained the object of the lesson was to have them come into the basement, with me standing in the dark in a place where they could not see me.  They might hear me move, but not speak – so they knew that I am there. 

It was so dark, as you can see in the kids faces, we had to have them do several dry runs on how they were to walk down the stairs and work their way across the basement. They were to touch the walls to get to the far end of the basement and then turn around and go back up the stairs.  When they finally entered the darkness, they did it all together touching each other!!  When we were done, we all went upstairs and talked about how even though we cannot See God:

1 – God is always present watching over us not letting anything happen that he would not allow, just like Grandpa was only feet away from you making sure not one got hurt!!

Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

2 – Even in the darkest of times, when we can not hear or see God, we can trust that He is there, is moving and we should look for how he is working – He gives us peace, understanding, help… just like you heard Grandpa moving. 

John 3:8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

We closed in prayer, memorized that God is All Knowing, All Powerful and Always with us – then headed to bed!!

Whether you are a parent or grandparent, and aunt, uncle or caregiver, we encourage you to try this activity with your own family. It will be fun for all involved! Join our free membership for more activities! Subscribe for more samples and your exclusive invitation to join.


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