Looking for Daily Impression Points with Kids

I had the fun of spending Christmas with our grandkids in California.  And I am always interested in creating impression points out of everyday life “object” lessons we come across.  So, when grandma and grandpa did an outing with our daughter and three kids, a perfect opportunity arose.  It was lunch time, so we dropped into a sandwich shop in town, as we were antiquing.  When we ordered, we ordered only 5 sandwiches to split among all six of us.  Each sandwich came with a cookie!

Our 5-year-old grandson loves sweets, so from the get-go, he said “I want a whole cookie!”  After we all had finished, I took all the cookies and put them in a stack and slide them on a napkin over in front of our grandson. I asked him; if we are supposed to be like Jesus, what would Jesus do in dividing up the cookies. It was his choice for who got what. (I was hoping he would get the idea, for Philippians 2:4 says Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. – thinking he would humble himself and give everyone else a cookie.)

So, when the point of decision came, he handed everyone a cookie he could- including himself and broke a cookie in half and gave a half cookie to his mom and older sister!

The life situation provided a great opportunity to discuss what it means to put others interests above our own and what would Jesus do!!!  I challenge you to look at life situations as “impression points” to teach your children to apply God’s truths!



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