A Teachable Heart

Goal: To teach children the importance of having a teachable heart.

Jesus pointed out the fallen condition of our hearts in Mark 7:21-23: “From within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man unclean.” Our biggest problem is not external but internal; all of us have a heart problem. In order for a person to be saved, then, the heart must be changed. This only happens by the power of God in response to faith. “With the heart one believes unto righteousness” (Romans 10:10). In His grace, God can create a new heart within us (Psalm 51:10Ezekiel 36:26). He promises to “revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isaiah 57:15).God’s work of creating a new heart within us involves testing our hearts (Psalm 17:3Deuteronomy 8:2) and filling our hearts with new ideas, new wisdom, and new desires (Nehemiah 7:51 Kings 10:242 Corinthians 8:16). Gotquestions.com

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