The Bondage of Sin

Goal: Exploring how we get tied up in sin.

Jesus’ disciples belong to Him and want to do the things that please Him. This means that the children of God obey Him and live in freedom from habitual sin. We can do this because Jesus has set us free from the slavery of sin (John 8:36), and thus we are no longer under its penalty of death and separation from God.

 The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives means that, as we grow in our faith and come to love God ever more each day, we’ll have the strength to resist sin more and more. Through the working of the Holy Spirit we are empowered to resist sin, not give in to its temptation, and live according to God’s Word. Habitual sins will become more abhorrent to us, and we’ll find ourselves not wanting to do anything that might hinder our fellowship with God. When we commit ourselves as followers of Christ to grow and mature in our faith by reading and studying God’s Word each day and spending time in prayer with Him, we will find ourselves more and more able to stand in the power of the Holy Spirit and resist sin. The daily victories over sin that we have in Christ will encourage and strengthen us and demonstrate in a powerful way that we are no longer slaves to sin but are instead slaves to God.



A Changed Life


Passion for God