Are your children growing up in the world or in the Word?  Each will transform them!! 

Are your children growing up in the world or in the Word?

Your family theology/compass is The Truth you will pass to give your family the biblical directions for healthy, normal living against which attitudes, actions, and beliefs can be measured. So, it is critical to teaching the Word of God to your children and showing them how to use the Bible and apply its truths to life situations!!

Study the Scriptures diligently,” Christ said in John 5:39, “these are the very scriptures that testify about me.” (NIV) 

CS Lewis Institute states: the complexity of human life—the tangle of sins and emotions and desires and relationships—is only fully explained and dealt with by the Bible. There is nothing more important to teach our children as we prepare them to deal with life in this world.

 And the Bible itself is clear that it is the responsibility of parents to teach their children the Scriptures. “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deut. 6:7 NIV).

This divine directive also delineates the most impactful approaches for parents to adopt:

  • Impress the teachings on your Children - Educate your children on God's commandments found in the scriptures and guide them on how to apply these principles. This involves imparting not only Godly principles and precepts but also knowledge about the Bible such as, it comprises 66 books across the Old and New Testaments and carries a common theme of redemption…teach them how to use the concordance and look up verses.  Emphasize that it is a comprehensive guide for righteous living. Formal teaching establishes a foundation for informal learning. Engage in family devotions and one-on-one discussion time to leverage every opportunity to place a Bible in your children's hands (select Bibles appropriate for their ages), encouraging them to find and understand the verses discussed during devotions or when addressing specific issues on their own, even setting aside time to read the bible daily.

The most effective way to instill a habit of reading and living out the Bible in your child is to do it together. Read selected books -like Proverbs, selected scriptures – like John 3:16.  Leading by example is the most potent means of passing down this practice. Reading God's Word with your child not only allows them to draw closer to Jesus but also strengthens your bond with each other. Teach your child how to read the Bible and help them choose a starting point, actively participating in their journey, when possible. Foster accountability and consistency in spending time in God’s Word.

  • Discuss them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road: Initiate conversations about the Bible, linking passages to current worldly or familial issues throughout your daily routines. Look for those impression points where real-life situations create powerful object lessons. The family car also provides an ideal setting for distraction-free discussions.

  • When you lie down and when you get up: Utilize bedtime as an opportunity to answer your children's questions and pose some of your own from the Bible. It's a great time for meaningful conversations, as children often tend to stall at bedtime.

  • Dedicate time to memorizing Bible verses with your children: Committing scripture to memory ensures ready access to guidance in crucial life experiences. Selecting verses for memorization is a practical and meaningful task. (See Blog)

  • Emphasize living out the principles of WWJD (What Would Jesus Do- See Blog): Connect your key life scriptures to demonstrate how this salvation has transformed your life. Children are more likely to follow your example, so parents should spend time in the Word beyond family devotions to grow in godly grace and provide a genuine model of a life aligned with the Bible

If we aspire to the best for our children, there is no greater gift than raising them with a deep appreciation and continually expanding understanding of the Bible.


Lord teach us to pray, Mom Dad teach ME to pray!


You can not know the will of God if you do not know the Word of God