Lord teach us to pray, Mom Dad teach ME to pray!

Your family theology/compass is The Truth you will pass to give your family the biblical directions for healthy, normal living against which attitudes, actions, and beliefs can be measured. So, it is critical to teach your children to pray!!

Prayer not only impacts our lives and those around us but also serves as a means to connect with the divine and deepen our relationship with the Lord. At its core, prayer is an expression of reverence and worship. The Scriptures underscore the significance and effectiveness of prayer, making it essential not to overlook but rather to prioritize its practice and to teach our children.

1 John 5:14-15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.

Thoughts to consider in teaching your children on why and how to pray: 

Why Pray: 

1.       Pray for God's Presence in Their Heart: Ephesians 2:8-9 reminds us that salvation is a gift of grace through faith. Therefore, our prayers for our children's salvation should focus on them receiving this gift of faith. We pray for the Holy Spirit to draw our children to God from their earliest days and to guide them in a life of faith and service until they are securely in heaven for eternity (Ephesians 1:13-14). While it's valuable for a child to express their decision to trust Christ, true salvation is the work of the Spirit in the heart, leading to a life of growth in sanctification and discipleship.

2.       Pray to Deepen Your Personal Relationship: Communication is key in any relationship, including our relationship with God. Through prayer, we share our hearts with Him and seek His will and desires for us. As we experience God's power through answered prayer, our relationship with Him deepens. Remember, no prayer, no power—know prayer, know power! God understands us and provides us with strength, wisdom, faith, or changes circumstances according to His eternal perspective, not just earthly comforts or happiness.

3.       Pray for Guidance, Support, and Others: God is always accessible, 24/7, and He promises never to leave or forsake us. Whether facing challenges like bullying or exams or experiencing blessings, God is present and in control. Understanding God's sovereignty, wisdom, and love, as outlined in the book Trusting God, reassures us that He always has our eternal good in mind. We can pray when we're afraid, need strength, or seek peace, continuously relying on His power. Additionally, God calls us to intercede for others and for opportunities to share His love with others.

How to Pray

You have not because you ask not! You receive not because you ask to amiss:  Here in lies the need to teach our children to pray.  Jesus gave us the model in the Lord’s prayer, which can be remembered and used when you teach your children to pray: P.R.A.Y.

Praise: Example: Almighty God you are worthy of my highest praise…praise moves us into God’s presence.  Consider His Holiness and the depth of His love for us, which serves as a reminder that He is God, and we are not. We rely on Him for our protection, safety, strength, wisdom, and guidance.

Repent: I come before you with sorrow and the desire to repent of my disobedience in…We've all engaged in actions that displease God—failing to emulate Jesus by showing love, care, and concern for others or offering assistance. To communicate effectively with God, we must ensure that nothing obstructs our prayers, and sin does just that. Therefore, we must confess our sins, express genuine remorse, and turn away from our selfish, prideful ways, choosing instead to align ourselves with His ways. In doing so, He promises to forgive us and listen to our petitions.

Ask: Lord, I know you hear and will answer me, I humbly ask…..
Now we can reach out to God, sharing our innermost secrets and desires, seeking to understand His will for our requests. We can seek wisdom, strength, peace, and assistance—knowing that He recognizes our voice and is attentively listening, much like a caring parent.!! -Joy

Yield – Loving God, I know you have my best interests in mind I look for your will to be done… Now, we surrender it to God—allowing Him to be God and answer our prayer in the manner He deems best for us. Stay attentive to how events unfold in response to your prayer, and document them in a journal to recognize the hand of God actively working in your life.

Model how to pray using PRAY

Jesus gave us His model: I do, You do with me, you do. Prayer should be a regular practice in our daily lives—during meals, in the morning before school, at bedtime, and in times of hurt or concern throughout the day. Our conduct as children of God serves as the most compelling visual demonstration of the relationship with Christ we desire for our children. When they witness us kneeling in prayer each day, they understand that prayer is an integral part of life. Observing us consistently engaged with Scripture—studying, nourishing ourselves, and reflecting on God's Word—they grasp the significance of the Bible without needing us to explain. When they see that we not only comprehend God's Word but also strive to embody its teachings in our daily actions, they recognize the transformative power of living according to its principles.

Conversely, if children perceive a stark contrast between the Sunday persona of their parents and their behavior throughout the week, they may quickly detect hypocrisy. Many children have been disillusioned with church and Christ due to the hypocrisy of their role models. While God can certainly transcend our flaws and shortcomings, we must be willing to acknowledge them before God, admit our failures to our children, and earnestly strive to align our actions with our beliefs. It's crucial to ensure that our actions consistently reflect the values we profess.


Apostles’ Creed


Are your children growing up in the world or in the Word?  Each will transform them!!