Bless your children to bestow God’s favor upon them

The environment of the home is critical to establishing an atmosphere of love and acceptance where your values and beliefs can be taught and caught. For each of us is a product of the environment in which we were raised.  Parents need to create an environment of love and acceptance by focusing on their A.R.O.M.A. (Affection, Respect, Order, Merriment, and Affirmation).

One of the greatest ways to Affirmation a child is through a daily blessing to provide them with a strong sense of unconditional love, value and acceptance for whom they are in Christ. 

Numbers 6:24-25 Blessing

(May) The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
(May) the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
(May) the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you - Peace.”’

Again, according to Dr. Trent and Dr. Smalley, receiving a blessing can have a profound impact on a person's: self-esteem, emotional well-being, and ability to form healthy relationships. It is believed to influence various aspects of life, including personal development, career success, and the ability to overcome challenges. Kids thirst for parental acceptance — they long for their mother and father to reinforce their worth.

One of my Granddaughters, now 10, says that since she has been blessed by Grandpa ever since she can remember, she has it memorized and recites it during anxious times to help her remember to be at peace!! Her 13 year old brother said, "it reinforces my identity"  (really - I did not lead him!) 

Another 7-year-old grandson said I give him the blessing because "you love me!" We have 15 grandkids in total, a lot of heads to bless when we have family gatherings 8-)

It is important to understand what you are asking of God through the elements of Numbers 6:24-26 model, as you bless your children or grandchildren.

The Lord bless you. Statements of blessing are a call for God to bestow His favor on others by guiding them and reminding them that nothing can happen apart from His Good Purpose.

and keep you. A blessing of specific protection that has the sense of guarding or watching over someone physically and spiritually that nothing shall be able to separate them from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus

The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. This line of the blessing has to do with experiencing God’s favor through His loving, gracious response to their prayers for help. –that He will be merciful and compassionate

The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. This has the idea of His people receiving peace knowing that they have approval in God’s eyes and trust Him to take care of them.

For more information go to

Ideas on how to use:

1-    Blessing over child as they leave for school, camp…

2-    End of Night Time prayer

3-    As a Grandparent blessing given every time part ways


Knowledge without application is only information, Knowledge with application is transformation!


Your dinner table is the classroom of daily living!