Knowledge without application is only information, Knowledge with application is transformation!

Making Following Christ Real to Children/Young Adults

Your family theology/compass is The Truth you will pass to give your family the biblical directions for healthy, normal living against which attitudes, actions, and beliefs can be measured. So it is critical to make following Christ real and a practical theology to your children.

Numerous individuals recite prayers, express their belief in God and have a false assurance of salvation because genuine faith extends beyond mere acknowledgment. True faith involves understanding and belief in Jesus Christ, coupled with sincere repentance and obedience to God's commands. (saved by faith alone, but James says faith is never alone)

The challenge lies in imparting to our children the distinction between being a mere entuhusiast, characterized by knowledge and belief (even Satan believes), and a dedicated follower who possesses knowledge, belief, engages in repentance, and faithfully obeys (follows) the teachings of God's Word. It's worth recalling that Jesus, in calling His disciples, emphasized the directive to "Follow me!"

That is the power of the WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) bracelet with kids – it makes “following real!” Because it helps remind the child to ask WWJD when he/she has a choice to make and think through which choice would honor God and obey his commands.

WWJD link to Amazon package (use picture from link)

Do I dis-obey mom and stay on screen time or obey and turn off the device when she asks? Knowing the Bible verse says: “children obey your mother and father.”  Eph 6:1-3

Do I call my brother or sister names or tear them down or keep quiet and walk away? Knowing the Bible says: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” Eph 4:29

Posing the question "What would Jesus do?" provides a clear guide for our children's decision-making, helping them comprehend how to implement the truths conveyed through your spiritual training, including devotionals and family nights….

It's crucial to recall that the Great Commission commands us to "make disciples," (especially our children) signifying the responsibility to teach and train individuals to follow and obediently adhere to the teachings of Christ. This commitment goes beyond mere instruction; it involves instilling a deep understanding and application of faith in daily choices.

Ensuring that our response to the question "What would Jesus do?" is firmly rooted in the objective truth of Scripture, rather than subjective opinions, is crucial. Employing WWJD as a reminder encourages us to follow Jesus and strive to mirror His example. Simultaneously, it is essential to diligently study the Word and seek God's wisdom through prayer, ensuring our actions align with His teachings.

Deuteronomy 6:8 instructs parents to symbolize God's commands on their hands and foreheads, emphasizing the Old Testament's emphasis on meditating upon God's Word as an integral part of daily life.

Utilizing WWJD bracelets serves as a tangible reminder -symbol-for our children and grandchildren about the significance of internalizing God's Word. This practice aligns with the biblical principle that a good person brings forth good things from the goodness stored within them.

With a bit of preparation, parents can easily present dilemmas or moral issues from current culture that resonate with their kids. WWJD books like 365 WWJD: Daily Answers to What Would Jesus Do? are also available on Amazon and ChristianBook that provide age-appropriate questions to facilitate discussions. Teaching children through real-life choices becomes an effective means to help them apply scripture. Making it a part of family devotionals at the dinner table further reinforces the principles of WWJD in everyday life.

As a grandfather, I buy the bracelets in packages (you will find they even make numerous styles for older kids and adults- if your kids wear them maybe you should be an example) and put them on my grandkids wrists to reinforce what it means to follow Christ! – For, they lose them a lot!!  But they have also asked me for extras to give to their friends!!!  They become evangelists, for they have to explain what WWJD means!!!


You can not know the will of God if you do not know the Word of God


Bless your children to bestow God’s favor upon them