Teachable Moments

When I was snacking on some peanut M&Ms, my grandson caught me and asked if he could have some.  After checking with his mother, I decided to use it as a teachable moment.  His mom had been teaching him and his sisters the fruit of the spirit – one being self-control. So, I told him I would give them to him at the table.  Once he was seated, I pulled out 6 peanut M&Ms and set them before him.  I told him that he can only have two, as it was close to dinner.  Then, I walked away to go watch the move with his sisters.  Some time later, he came in and I asked him what happened to the M&Ms!  He said that he ate two of them and showed me the other four in his hands.  Just before I could say anything, they went into his mouth!!!  

So, we had a little discussion about self-control being one of the fruit of the spirit and defined it to mean: the ability to control, constrain and have the ability to say “no” to our desires and wants for a greater good – in this case obedience.  So, we discussed what that would have looked like in this situation.  

The best faith learning takes place in the context of real life, because it is real life that tests faith! Capturing a teachable moment is one of the easiest methods to train your child in spiritual matters. These are moments when you are with your child and something occurs that offers an opportunity to teach something about God. It's as simple as paying attention to the world around you and presenting it from a godly perspective. Once you discover the power of teachable moments, however, you will have a method to make a long, life-changing spiritual impact through everyday events. A teachable moment gives you the resource to make the Bible relevant to your children today, right now, this very moment. 

A teachable moment requires three simple ingredients. The first is a good relationship between the parent and child. Most positive learning occurs best inside a loving bond. Second a teachable moment requires a catalyst such as discussing what God says about the poor when confronted by a homeless person, or what God says about integrity when you receive extra change in the vending machine. A catalyst is the conversation starter, the reason a teachable moment is occurring at that specific time and place. You can even design your own catalyst to teach your child a specific truth, like with the M&Ms. Third a teachable moment requires a Biblical truth. The truth can be a Bible fact, a truth about God's character, or insights into living a life of faith. Teachable moments can be used to affirm, encourage, correct, or equip your child in spiritual matters. They are the perfect way to catch your child doing something good. Teachable moments are also perfect for the single parent who doesn't have a partner to help pass a spiritual legacy. They can be incorporated into any family routine, no matter how busy. Teachable moments require no manuals, discussion guides, or preparation. In fact, they work best when you're just plain having fun with your kids!

Read more about The Power of Teachable Moments HERE.


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