Family Fragrance/Environment

The environment of the home is critical to establishing an atmosphere of love and acceptance where your values and beliefs can be taught and caught. For, each of us is a product of the environment in which we were raised.  Each parent should ask himself or herself, Joshua 24:15 “as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord!”. Does the atmosphere of your home glorify God in your relationships and actions?”. Parents need to create an environment of love and acceptance by focusing on their A.R.O.M.A. (Affection, Respect, Order, Merriment, and Affirmation).

  • affection


    Is a consistent, loving act of the will, openly and sometimes spontaneously displayed toward its recipients

  • respect


    Is holding other people in honor so that they may recognize their own true worth

  • Order

    Is the act of managing and modeling godly leadership in the home resulting in a refuge of calm

  • Merriment

    Is an atmosphere of enthusiasm coupled with unbridled laughter and noise

  • affirmation


    Is an established, clearly held position declared as true